Saturday, November 7, 2009

was i realy a murderer?

was i really a murderer?
ok this is wat happend
well u guys dnt take it forever
i meant

this was the only dady i had this
*helpless look*

okay wat happend was
i was here at the computer

suddenly this cockroach
came into my sight


i kno but i just couldn't help it i went running
to get my pal
the one and only
*drum rolls*


i sprayed the cockroach
well it died

* celebrating*

when i was about to keep the spray bottle i saw another

when i sprayed it mom came and ask
hada bob spray vas eba duvayeah!

i just ignored and continued running after the insects

i saw 4 of them at the same night


i kno mom kept watchin and laughing
well thank god i dint have cockroach

*evil laugh*
oops.. sowy

keke hey hope u guys comment on this disaster
and hope u wish me this wont happen again!
and ?

time to go!



R.K.Wawilly said...

not really a murderer!!!

CuTie CheeekZ said...

keke kind of a murderer dho :P

sassy. said...

You are not really a murderer, but surely are a super heroin!

FETAL MIND said...

Well... wen i look into ur case it seems to me wat eva u did was in ur self defense n dat of others at ur save from cockroach sent. i hate dat smell keke. I say u r innocent not a murderer. Say yes to Mr. Bop ;)

CuTie CheeekZ said...

thnx fetal mind yeahh i said hi to mr.bob he said ho to u too xD haha!

CuTie CheeekZ said...

thnx sassy too i fawgot x]