Friday, August 28, 2009

●●T H A N K Y O U L E I Y I E R●●

This post is specially made for one of my BFF!
the one and only
*drum rolls*

i wanted to thank her for all what she did
(yeah she puted the background to me and the headline to)

so thankyou soo much laya i really want to repay you
how can i?

choco ohh dnt think about those she is allergic to them

ahaa the one and only her FAV

laya do u like one?
hope u anser my question

well tym to go



leiyer said...

i want flower for sure..but its k!!!!n the worst part is i cnt update my blog cox my blog facilities arnt there *sob sob sob *

CuTie CheeekZ said...

wat? *sob sob sob 4 u* well make anothe blog again.... keke